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  • Sustainability | DYNAXITY Consulting

    DYNAXITY Consulting begleitet Unternehmen bei Ihrer Nachhaltigkeitstransformation. Wir bieten Orientierung und Schulungen bei SDG, ESG, CSRD und LkSG. Wir entwickeln Nachhaltigkeits-Strategien, implementieren sie in die Unternehmensprozesse und helfen bei der Erstellung von Nachhaltigkeits-Reports. Sustainability We accompany you in your sustainability transformation. "The heat is on": Sustainable management is moving from being a "nice to have" to a must. WHY SUSTAINABILITY? Climate crisis, shortage of raw materials, competitive pressure, legal requirements and regulations, shortage of skilled workers - the pressure on management and the board of directors is high to drive forward the sustainability transformation. But: where to start, where to stop? What must be done, what can be done, what should be done? SDG, ESG, CSRD & Co. Based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations to ensure sustainable development on an economic, social and ecological level, as well as the European Green Deal, companies are facing a number of laws and regulations in connection with ESG. Specifically, these include the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), and the Supply Chain Directive. IT G Today, sustainable corporate governance is described by the abbreviation ESG and stands for environment, social aspects and responsible corporate management (governance). CSRD The "Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive" (CSRD) sets the framework for sustainability reporting, with which the reporting obligations as well as the report content for companies with 250 or more employees and 40 million euros in sales will be significantly expanded from fiscal year 2023. This sets new standards for the entire sustainability management, including mapping of double materiality, strategic anchoring, presentation of development or reduction paths, CO2 monitoring, transparent disclosure of taxonomy ratios and the entire management process. ESRS The EU sustainability reporting standards (ESRS) provide the details including the indicators to be reported. There are a total of 10 topics in the three ESG areas and additional sector-specific indicators that have not yet been determined. The sustainability report will become a mandatory part of the management report and will determine how your ESG performance is perceived externally. LukeSG The EU Supply Chain Directive is an important lever for ensuring compliance with human rights and environmental standards along the entire supply chain. It currently applies to large companies with 3,000 or more employees and only affects direct suppliers. Nevertheless, a domino effect can be expected here, as the large companies must ensure that their (smaller) suppliers - worldwide - act and produce in an equally responsible and sustainable manner. Turning the pressure into thrust The need of the hour is to really penetrate the complexity of sustainability and to make the best possible use of the resulting requirements for business success. This includes, among other things, more stable supply chains, greater energy self-sufficiency, sustainable (green) sales, but also innovation and making the company more attractive to customers new employees. Furthermore, sustainable companies are also more resilient to acute crises and multiple disruptions because they manage their risks more long-term and according to a holistic view of impacts on people, society and the environment. We'll pick you up where you are and accompany you safely to your destination. We help you to reduce complexity, to define your strategy for sustainability transformation and to implement it step by step in manageable individual projects. You can find out more about BUSINESS RESILIENCE here Business Resilience We are not only responsible for what we do, but also for what we don't do. Molière French actor and playwright HOW WE SUPPORT YOU Our Offerings Sustainability Strategy & Roadmap Integration into business processes Sustainability Reporting Training and Education Training and Education OUR CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR ADDED VALUE Your benefits Orientation with regard to regulations and laws. Certainty about what needs to be done to comply with regulations. Better ratings - and thus better conditions. Higher resilience to acute changes. Transfer of know-how and state-of-the-art methods into the company. Sustainable learning processes for your employees. GET IN TOUCH Take the next step to successfully shape your future.

  • Team | DYNAXITY Consulting

    DYNAXITY Consulting ist ein Netzwerk von Praktikern mit der Leidenschaft, Brücken zwischen verschiedenen Stakeholdern, Branchen, Ländern und Kulturen zu bauen. Wir verstehen uns als „Global Citizens“, immer authentisch, aufgeschlossen und einem wachen Interesse an Neuem. Meet our experts WHO WE ARE One network - one team! We are practitioners with a passion for building bridges between different stakeholders, industries, countries and cultures. We see ourselves as "global citizens ", always authentic, open-minded and with a keen interest in new things. As generalists , we keep an eye on the big picture and draw on a broad network of national and international experts for special topics. Meet the Team! GET IN TOUCH Dr. Ekkehard Redlhammer MANAGING DIRECTOR | OWNER Strategy | Change Management | Business Development | Digital Transformation | Sustainability | Knowledge Management | Internationalization - France - Afrika Dr. Ahu Genis-Gruber SENIOR EXPERT PARTNER | MENTOR | COACH Strategy | Cross Cultural Management | Open Innovation | Open Strategy | Startups | Internationalization - Turkey Mag. Georg Redlhammer CONSULTING PARTNER | SPEAKER | COACH Sustainability | SDG | ESG | Public Relations | Marketing | Internationalization - Aserbaidschan Claudia Lux CONSULTING PARTNER | MEDIATOR | COACH Mediation | Life and Social Counseling | Supervision | Outdoortrainings | Family Counseling Dr. Thomas Auinger CONSULTING PARTNER Process Management | Knowledge Management | Digital Transformation | Process Mining | Agile Projektmanagement Dr. Karina Lochner CONSULTING PARTNER Organizational development | Communication | Voice and Speech Coaching Dkfm. Rudi Fellner CONSULTING PARTNER Strategy | Organizational development | Process Management | Business Resilience | HR Management Laura Hurot CONSULTING PARTNER Intercultural Management France | Translation services from / to French language Bernard Grabner CONSULTING PARTNER Inbound Marketing | Market Research | Webmarketing | Social Media | Portals | Mobile Applications | Micropayment | Recommender Systems Cpt. Georg Berghofer CONSULTING PARTNER Pilot | Speaker | Trainer Dr. Peter Kremer CONSULTING PARTNER Marketing | International Sales | Internationalization - Southeast-Asia / Indonesia

  • International Business Development | DYNAXITY Consulting

    DYNAXITY Consulting unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsfelder durch Innovation, neue Geschäftsmodelle, Marketing und Vertrieb. International Business Development We help you with the development of your business idea up to the successful entry into national and international markets. Business Development is the driving force for identifying growth opportunities and thus ensuring sustainable entrepreneurial success. WHY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT? Business development has long since ceased to be the preserve of fast-moving high-tech industries. With increasing digitization and globalization, competition has also intensified significantly in previously conservative markets. Innovation and the development of new business areas are therefore the order of the day for every company. Those who fail to take this into account run the risk of being successively squeezed out of the market: "If you don't move with the times, you move with the times". CONCEPT TO BUSINESS 1 2 IDEA TO CONCEPT In order to quickly grasp the potential and avoid empty kilometers, the first step must be an analysis of the targeted markets, their potential, the market players, the "rules of the game" and the key factors influencing market success ("business drivers"). Once the "playing field" (market segments) has been defined, the next step is to develop the most promising position, define the business model and service offering, and calculate the business case ("business plan"). If the business case has sufficient potential (Go / No Go), the Go2Market concept and the market entry plan are created and the business case is transferred to the line organization after a market entry phase. How is Business Development successfully implemented? Business Development combines innovation with marketing and sales. It basically consists of 2 phases. Successful business development enables sustainable growth beyond the core businesses continuously ensures the development of new business options develops and maps framework conditions for technologies identifies new application areas for products and technologies provides trend and needs analyses supports the organization with methodological expertise provides a basis for decision-making with long-term impact for the entire company It is very difficult to develop products for target groups. Very often people don't even know what they want - until you show them. Steve Jobs US entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc. HOW WE SUPPORT YOU Our Offerings Idea Evaluation Prototyping Market Opportunity Analysis Business Model / Business Plan Go2Market Strategy Product Design / Pricing Market Communication Sales Development Sales Training and Cross-cultural Trainings Here you will find information on other services in the area of marketing and sales . Inside Sales Marketing Sales Assessment OUR CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR ADDED VALUE Your Benefits Profound analyses as a solid basis for your investment decisions Creative solutions with high impact Anonymized preparation of your market entry "below the radar" of your competition Professional and comprehensive support during the market launch Takeover of selected operational communication and sales measures Risk minimization by accompanying your sales in selected markets In these markets, we offer you operational sales support with qualified local partners. GET IN TOUCH Take the next step to successfully shape your future.

  • Sweet Spot FRANCE | DYNAXITY Consulting

    DYNAXITY Consulting hilft Unternehmen beim Markteintritt in Frankreich und frankophonen Ländern Afrikas. Französische Unternehmen werden beim Einstieg in deutschsprachige Märkte und nach Österreich unterstützt. Dr. Redlhammer ist französischer Honorarkonsul und ideale Brücke zwischen den Kulturen. Are you ready for France? We love France and speak French. But that's not all! Ekkehard Redlhammer is Honorary Consul of the French Republic in Upper Austria. The holder of the French National Order of Merit ("Ordre national du Mérite") is the ideal bridge between Austria and the francophone world. Be smart: choose France! France is one of the world's largest economies and the second largest consumer market in Europe with a population of around 67 million. With an excellent logistics and telecom infrastructure, one of the highest R&D rates in Europe, and a highly educated workforce, France is one of the most dynamic economies in the OECD and the leading destination for foreign investors in Europe. In 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled FRANCE 2030 , a landmark strategic economic program for France. Key objectives of this EUR 54 billion investment plan include the re-industrialization of France, securing access to basic materials, promoting sustainability and decarbonizing the economy, expanding key technologies such as "green hydrogen," "biomedicine," and "artificial intelligence," as well as promoting startups and strengthening education and training in growth sectors. Paris is always a good idea. Audrey Hepburn British actress and Oscar winner HOW WE SUPPORT YOU Our Offerings Your company is located in Austria, but you also see great potential in the French market? Get in touch with us. We will work with you to create a plan for developing the French market. Company in Austria - Export market France CONTACT 1 Vous êtes une entreprise française, mais la barriere pour aller en Autriche était auparavant trop grande? Pas de soucie, nous sommes votre partenaire pour une entrée stratégique sur le marché. Enterprise en France - Marché de vente Autriche CONTACT 2 The French-speaking countries of Africa offer great potential for Austrian companies. Benefit from our expertise and our contact networks on site. Future market: Francophone Africa CONTACT 3

  • Landingpage_OpenStrategy | DYNAXITY Consulting

    Mit Open Strategy bietet DYNAXITY Consulting einen neuen, revolutionären Ansatz in der Strategieentwicklung an, der Schwarmintelligenz und die Kreativität der Crowd für die Entwicklung präziserer und nachhaltigerer Strategien. Open S trategy With collective intelligence to more precise and more sustainable strategies Welcome to a new era of corporate strategy! Open Strategy (OS) is a new and innovative approach to breaking the boundaries of traditional thinking by opening strategy development and implementation to a broader range of stakeholders. Rather than relying on a small group of decision-makers, OS relies on the wisdom and creativity of a diverse community. By engaging employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, we create a dynamic and inclusive strategy development process that leads to better decisions and ensures greater ability to implement. Benefits of Open Strategy Better consideration of increasingly complex corporate environments. Ensuring an optimized development direction through structured dialogue with relevant stakeholders. Increasing the ability to innovate through greater diversity of actors and expansion of the knowledge base. Inclusion of previously unnoticed aspects and thus creation of additional and novel knowledge Minimizing the risk of traditional strategy processes by incorporating additional perspectives. Increased acceptance through the creation of meaning (purpose) and stronger collective understanding PROCESS MODEL Effective decision-making through collaborative strategy development Open Strategy is based on the conventional strategy development process, but complements it with innovative tools for analysis, dialog and ongoing development. 1 Clarification of the management perspective and determination of the Protection strategy for confidentiality . 2 Application of OS toolbox for analysis, conception and anchoring in the company 3 Creation of structures and processes for the continuous strategy dialogue with defined stakeholder groups . GET IN TOUCH Take advantage of openness, transparency and collaboration to take your strategies to the next level. We support you in the introduction and implementation of Open-Strategy in your company. In joint workshops and collaboration sessions, the knowledge and creativity of defined stakeholder groups is incorporated into the development of your strategy. We use modern online platforms and collaboration tools to facilitate communication and collaboration with the different communities. We adapt the Open Strategy tools to your requirements and integrate them into your strategy development process. With Open Strategy trainings, your employees are trained in the use of the tools to ensure the sustainable anchoring of Open Strategy in the organization. Our Offerings

  • Imprint | DYNAXITY Consulting

    Das Impressum der Website stellt ergänzende Informationen zum Unternehmen, wie Adresse, Kontakten und Ansprechpartner, bereit. Imprint Information and disclosure according to §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO and § 14 UGB Website operator: Dynaxity Consulting GmbH Company register number: FN 287200 d Commercial register court: Regional Court Linz Address: Buchenhain 14, 4048 Puchenau VAT number: ATU63255024 Managing Director: Dr. Ekkehard Redlhammer Trade supervisory authority: district authority Urfahr environment Memberships: Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, specialist group management consulting and data processing (UBIT) Contact details: Phone: +43732664030 Email: Applicable legislation: Job title: Management consultancy Online dispute resolution: Consumers who are established in Austria or in another contracting state of the ODR-VO have the opportunity to solve problems regarding the purchase of goods or services within the framework of an online dispute resolution (according to OS, AStG). The European Commission provides a platform for this: Copyright: The contents of this website are subject to various property rights (e.g. copyright) as far as this is legally possible. Any use/distribution of provided material, which is prohibited by copyright, requires the written consent of the website operator. Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, the website operator of this website assumes no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Should you nevertheless become aware of outgoing links that refer to a website with illegal activity/information, we request that you inform us accordingly in order to remove them immediately in accordance with Section 17 (2) ECG. The copyrights of third parties are observed by the operator of this website with the utmost care. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of such legal violations, we will remove the affected content immediately. Kindly supported by Imprint Generator Austria in cooperation with Private health insurance in Austria

  • Landingpage_AI | DYNAXITY Consulting

    Entdecken Sie, wie Augmented Intelligence Ihre geschäftlichen Herausforderungen meistern kann. Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte KI-Lösungen, die Ihre Datenanalyse, Prozessoptimierung und Entscheidungsfindung revolutionieren und Ihr Unternehmen nachhaltig voranbringen. Augmented Intelligence Applying Artificial Intelligence in Business Artificial intelligence will represent the biggest technological shift we will see in our lifetimes. It is bigger than the shift from desktop computers to mobile devices and may even be bigger than the internet itself. It is a fundamental rewiring of technology and an incredible accelerator of human ingenuity. Sundar Pichai CEO Google Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much more than a technological innovation; it represents a paradigm shift, comparable to the invention of electricity—a true game changer for businesses across all industries. In an era where data is considered the new gold, AI offers companies the opportunity to derive valuable insights from vast datasets, automate processes, and make real-time decisions. This makes AI an indispensable tool for managers who want to significantly improve their existing processes and business models and achieve a massive boost in performance. AI-Driven Process Optimization for Your Business Augmented Intelligence - More Than Just Artificial Intelligence At Dynaxity, we understand that the future of business consulting lies in the effective use of advanced technologies. A key aspect of our consulting services is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) , which is encapsulated in our motto "AI Inside" as part of our services to our clients. Our approach at Dynaxity goes beyond traditional artificial intelligence. We refer to it as “Augmented Intelligence” because we believe the true value of AI lies in enhancing human intelligence, not replacing it . By combining human creativity with the computational precision of AI, we enable leaders to make better decisions faster and creative teams to discover new opportunities for innovation . This will fundamentally change the way we live, work, and interact. Our Offerings AI-driven Data Analysis Automation and Efficiency Enhancement Customer Interaction and Personalization Risk Management AI Training & Coaching AI STRATEGY We support you in developing a targeted AI strategy that meets your business requirements and simultaneously improves your market position. Use AI to: Increase operational efficiency Reduce costs through automation Gain competitive advantages through data-driven decisions Optimize customer interactions with personalized offerings DATA MANAGEMENT We assist you in optimizing your data management with AI-based analytical tools to achieve deeper insights and improved decision-making: Optimization of the data architecture for faster access Enhancement of data quality and availability Gaining strategic insights from Big Data Developing precise forecasting models PROCESS OPTIMIZATION & CHANGE MANAGEMENT We implement AI tools with you to modernize business processes and increase efficiency: Automation in HR for faster recruitment processes Personalization of marketing campaigns Optimization of the supply chain in purchasing and sales Enhancing process transparency and efficiency in administration TRAINING AND COACHING We offer you and your teams training and coaching to enable them to use AI technologies safely and effectively: Training on handling AI tools Coaching for data analysis and interpretation Workshps to promote innovative AI applications Ready for take off? Ready for AI? GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH

  • Expats Onboarding | DYNAXITY Consulting

    Mit der DYNAXITY-Akademie bieten wir ein einzigartiges Angebot für maßgeschneiderte Trainings, Executive Sparring, professionelles Expats Onboarding, individuelle Coachings und Mediation in den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch. Expats Onboarding Smooth Transitions, Global Success: Mastering Expat Onboarding Together! Seamlessly transitioning into a new professional environment can be challenging for expatriates (expats). At DYNAXITY Consulting, our Expats Onboarding offering enables international professionals to quickly find their feet and succeed in their new role and environment. Our customized onboarding solutions aim to facilitate the adjustment process and ensure a smooth integration into your company and the local environment. We understand the specific needs and issues of expats and provide comprehensive support to make their experience in your company a positive one. Provide your international professionals with a seamless and enriching onboarding experience with DYNAXITY Consulting's expat onboarding offering. Contact us to learn more about our services and customized solutions. Experience and expertise : We have extensive experience in the international work environment and offer in-depth knowledge of different cultures. Individuality : Our approach takes into account the individual needs of each expat to ensure customized support. Local contact networks : We have a long-established network with local decision-makers, public institutions, service clubs, and language and cultural associations. Sustainable success : It is important to us that expats not only get off to a good start, but also enjoy long-term success in your organization Why choose DYNAXITY Consulting for expat onboarding? Cultural adaptation : We provide insights into the local business and work culture to promote understanding and integration into the new environment. Personal support : Our experts are available to expats (and their families) as contacts to answer questions, clarify concerns and offer a supporting hand. Networking : We encourage the development of professional and social networks to strengthen ties with the local community and regional environment. Our Offer Take advantage of our wide range of offers to develop your skills and gain fresh perspectives. GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH

  • Change Management | DYNAXITY Consulting

    DYNAXITY Consulting berät und begleitet Unternehmen bei der organisatorischen Transformation. Wir adaptieren Strukturen und Prozesse an neue Rahmenbedingungen und initiieren den Wandel der Organisationskultur. Change Management We help you shape the strategic change of your organization. The dynamic changes in the environment of companies require ongoing adjustments in the structures, the processes, and especially in the corporate culture. WHY CHANGE MANAGEMENT? Managing transformation processes has become one of the most demanding management tasks in view of the greatly increased dynamics and complexity of corporate environments. Change management is the process that helps us to successfully manage necessary changes in structures, processes and behaviors and to anchor them sustainably in the company. For positive change to succeed, however, it is essential to take organizational culture into account. It is often referred to as the "drilling of hard boards", as it involves changing mindsets and values among employees. Taking them along on the change journey is not a sprint but a marathon and requires ongoing impetus from the leadership team. "Drift happens" Counteracting "strategic drift" with agility Strategic drift" refers to the creeping deviation of an organization from its original strategic direction due to external changes or internal weaknesses. This can lead to a gradual deterioration in competitiveness and long-term success. An effective way to counteract strategic drift is to apply agile methods and principles such as iterative processes, holocratic structures, customer centricity and cross-functional collaboration. This enables companies to recognize changes in the environment at an early stage, react quickly to them, adjust their strategic alignment, and thus ensure their competitiveness. The overarching objective of agility is to promote a culture of adaptability, learning, and experimentation and to anchor it in the company. OUR CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR ADDED VALUE Your Benefits Effective change management through many years of practice New insights through a neutral view from the outside Objective handling of resistance and fears by external change professionals Use of proven methods, tools and best practices Transfer of know-how and state-of-the-art methods into the company Sustainable learning processes for your employees Of course, I cannot say whether it will be better if it is different. But I can say this much: it must become different if it is to become better! Georg Christoph Lichtenberg German physicist, natural scientist and mathematician SUCCESS CRITERIA Transformation is not a sprint, but a marathon. Agree on the goals of the change process with all stakeholders, create a vision and generate commitment. Analyze social relationships within the organization, recruit change agents and integrate them into the change process.Developing a custom-fit consulting architecture and using methods that are compatible with the change process. Involve key decision-makers and stakeholder groups - especially critics - in the transformation at an early stage. Clear, timely and transparent information about (interim) results. Create fair compensation for "change losers" .Make early successes (quick wins) visible. Recognize achievements. HOW WE SUPPORT YOU Our Offerings Change-Strategie & Roadmap Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen Optimierung der Aufbauorganisation Organizational chart, job description Führungs- und Steuerungssystem MBO, BSC, reporting, communication Identität & Purpose Values catalogue, company charter Kulturentwicklung Integration von Firmen, Abteilungen und Teams Führungskräfte-Entwicklung Training, coaching & mediation GET IN TOUCH Take the next step to successfully shape your future.

  • Adventkalender | DYNAXITY Consulting

    🎄 24 Türchen voller Ideen - der Management-Adventskalender 🎁✨ Die schönste Zeit des Jahres ist da! 🎄 Entdecke täglich inspirierende Überraschungen in unserem Adventskalender. Klicke auf die Türchen und lass dich begeistern!

  • Landingpage_InsideSales | DYNAXITY Consulting

    Inside Sales ist ein neuer Ansatz zur Optimierung von Vertrieb und Marketing in Unternehmen. DYNAXITY Consulting unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Einführung von Inside Sales durch Veränderung der Prozesse und Strukturen in Marketing und Vertrieb. Inside Sales Organize sales and marketing more efficiently. Sales and marketing optimization redefined! The primary drivers of any corporate growth are sales activities. However, one of the biggest productivity killers in sales is the conflation of disparate responsibilities, e.g. lead qualification, cold calling, closing, execution and account management into one general "sales" role. As a result, responsibilities are poorly perceived, valuable resources are poorly utilized, and the quality of implementations suffers. With the INSIDE SALES approach, we help you to focus your team on clearly defined tasks and thus make them more efficient. In this way, sales becomes the result of a series of interlinked processes - and is not the achievement of one person. With INSIDE SALES we bring a massive part of the sales activities inwards and build up so-called INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES for this purpose, which generate a high and above all additional business volume at much lower costs than the classic sales force. And please don't misunderstand; we are not talking about second-rate telemarketers here, but about the core sales team. Our Offerings Sales & Marketing Audit Inside sales change concept Reorganization of processes & structures Inside sales training & coaching COACHING Consultants are often rightly accused of developing detailed concepts but then leaving their clients to deal with them alone. We see ourselves primarily as coaches who take responsibility for successful implementation. This is less about transferring expertise than about giving direction, accompanying and motivating. In doing so, we act as a sparring partner for you and your team and drive the implementation forward. CHANGE PROCESS First of all: we do not think much of selective individual measures such as the introduction of CRM, because software seems to solve all problems sales trainings born purely out of necessity or Ho-jerk promotions to win new customers, when it is almost too late again. For a sustainable increase in performance in sales, it is necessary to delve deeply into processes and structures, to question them critically and to align them specifically to the new challenges. This requires courage and a real commitment to change - in other words, more of a marathon than a sprint. Increase the power and impact of your sales with INSIDE SALES. GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH Questions we handle with INSDE SALES INSIDE SALES Does sales really has to be exclusively a field job? In the USA, up to 50% of sales activities are already shifted inwards and carried out by INSIDE SALES teams. We are talking here about qualified thoroughbred sellers. These work internally, incur lower costs and at the same time achieve a much higher number of customer contacts than the field sales force. And only the activities that absolutely require a visit to the customer are passed on from the INSIDE SALES to the field sales force. We would be happy to discuss with you how you can build an inside sales team and thus increase the performance of your sales department. FIELD SERVICE Why doesn't my sales force generate more time with new customer business? International studies prove that the sales force spends the lion's share of their valuable time on administrative activities, order processing, and looking for new customers, etc. It devotes only 10%-25% of its time to sales talks, which in turn mostly relate to existing customer business. However, the strongest lever of the sales force lies in new customer business and the introduction of new products. And only then do sales talks really become meaningful. We would like to discuss with you how you can more than double the number of new customers! NEW CUSTOMERS Why is acquiring new customers so difficult? If you have breakthrough products and/or technologies, or you are the opinion leader in your industry, then new customer acquisition is a no-brainer for you. Otherwise, however, the main focus must be on developing a truly competitive product-price proposition. But that is the ultimate responsibility of management and cannot be delegated to sales. If this convincing offer is missing, then neither the large-scale approach of potential customers nor the creative implementation of an advertising campaign will lead to success. We would like to discuss with you what the bare figures and your gut feeling say about your existing offer and how it can be improved! DISTRIBUTORS How can I achieve more sales with my dealers? If you have decided to sell through channel partners, then it is an "all-or-nothing" partnership. For your sales department, this means that there are no longer sales managers here, but dedicated "channel managers". This means that you are no longer in charge of the sales activities, but you can support them with sales training, joint events and joint customer visits, etc. However, you must also face the critical question of what priority you have in the dealer's portfolio. The most crucial of all questions for sales success is therefore the choice of the right sales partner. We would like to discuss with you how you can find the right sales partners and achieve the greatest possible success with them! How can I make sure sales gets more and better leads? The cruel truth is that it should not be the job of sales to generate or qualify leads. Because it is too valuable and misused for that. Not only is it a costly activity, but it also results in sales taking it upon themselves to decide whether or not to process opportunities. In fact, there needs to be a new accountability in marketing that continuously allocates a sufficient number of qualified leads to sales, which they have to process without exception. We would like to discuss with you this new challenge for marketing and the close integration with sales that this requires! LEAD GENERATION KEY SALES FACTORS What should be the most important metric in sales? As Peter Drucker said, "If you don't measure it, you can't manage it. And this brings us to the fallacy that you can manage output - such as the achievement of sales targets. In fact, you can only manage activities that result in output. And of all the sales activities, the number of sales calls made adds the most value, making it the most important metric. But in most organizations, this is neither measured nor managed. We would like to discuss with you how to increase the output of sales by focusing on activity metrics. Ready for take off?

  • Knowledge Management | DYNAXITY Consulting

    DYNAXITY Consulting unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Einführung von Wissensmanagement und bei der Transformation zur lernenden Organisation Knowledge Management We support you on the way to a learning organization. As a cross-cutting matter, knowledge management encompasses all areas of a company and is essential for sustainably securing competitiveness. WHY KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT? Knowledge management creates added value in the company and contributes to sustainably securing the economic basis and increasing competitiveness through the intensive use of the knowledge of all employees. This means: Maintaining, securing and further developing the competencies of employees, as well as the organization, in order to be able to successfully offer and implement appropriate market services. Increasing efficiency by quickly finding and frequently applying relevant knowledge. Strengthening innovative power by activating and further developing the knowledge of all employees and important market partners (customers, suppliers). The successful introduction of knowledge management requires a systematic and structured approach that is oriented to the strategic requirements of the company. In our approach, the starting point is the business processes for whose successful implementation corresponding knowledge is necessary. The knowledge cycle develops along these business processes: If problems/gaps occur in the application of knowledge, these are closed by the acquisition of new knowledge (purchase, generation). The new knowledge is structured, subsequently integrated in the company ("learning") and applied again for the successful execution of the business processes. The treasure trove of success: Using and preserving valuable knowledge A comprehensive toolbox for specific challenges An essential aspect here is the holistic consideration of the design dimensions of technology, organization and people. In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the only sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge. Ikujiro Nonaka Japanese economist and organizational theorist HOW WE SUPPORT YOU Our Offerings Knowledge Management Audit Knowledge Strategy & Roadmapping Integration into business processes Knowledge Management Tools Training and Education OUR CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR ADDED VALUE Your Benefits Holistic support by bundling organizational and technical know-how. Objectified evaluation of existing knowledge processes, structures and tools. Ensuring the alignment of knowledge management with corporate strategy. Use of proven methods, tools and best practices. Transfer of know-how and state-of-the-art methods into the company. Sustainable learning processes for your employees. GET IN TOUCH Take the next step to successfully shape your future.

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