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Transformer station with isolators as a symbol for change management at Dynaxity Consulting

Change Management

We help you shape the strategic change of your organization.

The dynamic changes in the environment of companies require ongoing adjustments in the structures, the processes, and especially in the corporate culture.


Managing transformation processes has become one of the most demanding management tasks in view of the greatly increased dynamics and complexity of corporate environments.


Change management is the process that helps us to successfully manage necessary changes in structures, processes and behaviors and to anchor them sustainably in the company.


For positive change to succeed, however, it is essential to take organizational culture into account. It is often referred to as the "drilling of hard boards", as it involves changing mindsets and values among employees. Taking them along on the change journey is not a sprint but a marathon and requires ongoing impetus from the leadership team.

"Drift happens"

Counteracting "strategic drift" with agility

Strategic drift" refers to the creeping deviation of an organization from its original strategic direction due to external changes or internal weaknesses. This can lead to a gradual deterioration in competitiveness and long-term success.


An effective way to counteract strategic drift is to apply agile methods and principles such as iterative processes, holocratic structures, customer centricity and cross-functional collaboration.


This enables companies to recognize changes in the environment at an early stage, react quickly to them, adjust their strategic alignment, and thus ensure their competitiveness.


The overarching objective of agility is to promote a culture of adaptability, learning, and experimentation and to anchor it in the company.

Graphic on strategic drift at DYNAXITY Consulting

Your Benefits

Effective change management through many years of practice 
New insights through a neutral view from the outside
Objective handling of resistance and fears by external change professionals
Use of proven methods, tools and best practices
Transfer of know-how and state-of-the-art methods into the company
Sustainable learning processes for your employees

Of course, I cannot say whether it will be better if it is different. But I can say this much: it must become different if it is to become better!

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

 German physicist, natural scientist and mathematician 

happy and motivated employees

Transformation is not a sprint, but a marathon.

  • Agree on the goals of the change process with all stakeholders, create a vision and generate commitment.

  • Analyze social relationships within the organization, recruit change agents and integrate them into the change process.Developing a custom-fit consulting architecture and using methods that are compatible with the change process.

  • Involve key decision-makers and stakeholder groups - especially critics - in the transformation at an early stage. 

  • Clear, timely and transparent information about (interim) results.  

  • Create fair compensation for "change losers" .Make early successes (quick wins) visible.

  • Recognize achievements.


Our Offer

Change-Strategie & Roadmap

Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen

Optimierung der Aufbauorganisation

Organizational chart, job description

Führungs- und Steuerungssystem

MBO, BSC, reporting, communication

Identität & Purpose 

Values catalogue, company charter


Integration von Firmen, Abteilungen und Teams


Training, coaching & mediation

Take the next step to successfully shape your future.

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